Wednesday, August 31, 2011

August Update

August has come to an end. Crazy right?!

To make August the most productive August yet, I decided to set some goals. While I didn't quite reach the bar I set for myself, I got pretty darn close.

I am actually trying really hard not to beat myself over the fact that I didn't meet each of the goals. While my Type-A personality is mostly a blessing, it is very difficult when I am not able to officially check off on the things on my 'to-do' list. It irks me to the core that I didn't do everything I wanted to do.

But alas, you can't meet all goals right? Especially when unexpected events and life changes occur.

So here's the break down:

Professional: Read 5 Research Articles- I read three and loved every single one of them! Two of the articles focused on patients with dementia and Parkinson's Disease and the other dealt with voice disorders. To my few speechie-readers out there, if you would like more info let me know; they were great reads! To my non-speechie-readers, I know you don't really care. :)

Personal: Intentionally Improve My Marriage-When I asked my husband if I was a better wife this month he just smiled and said "You are an amazing wife every month!" He always knows what to say.

Personal: Read two books-Well, I almost got this one: I read 1.5 books. The first one being The Glass House, a memoir by Jane Walls. Her poverty-stricken childhood and crazy parents made for an amazing read! I am currently halfway through Widow of the South and love it; you can't beat a good historical fiction!

Fitness: Complete All Speed workouts and Long Runs-Done and Done. I'm proud to say that I have completed all my runs each week. Meeting this goal might have something to do with the fact that I promised myself some new workout gear if I completed it. Nothing wrong with a little self-bribery right?

Stay tuned for September's goals!

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