Friday, June 24, 2011

The New Rules of Lifting for Woman Plan

I haven't always been one to love exercise. In high school I participated recreationally in soccer and track, but not because I was good or I liked it- it was just something to do. In my first few years of college, exercise was the last thing on my priority list. Sure you might have found me at the gym couple of times a week, but only to delay that thing you call "studying". However, even then, not much effort was put into training or accomplishing anything in particular; I would just get on the elliptical and pedal until I was tired. And lifting weights? Puh-leeze! That is what boys do to get all big and bulky, which was the opposite of what I wanted my muscles to look like- which was long and lean.

Since college I have found a love for running and training for races. I truly believe that it was my Type-A personality, and a few loose hinges, which drew me to the beauty of training plans and set schedules in which you need to prepare your body to run long distances. I would hang my schedule in multiple places, allowing myself to circle the day if I completed the workout and cross out the day if I missed it- motivation at it's finest.

Strength training was a completely different story. The only reason why you would see me pick up a dumbbell was because my running scheduled said to. I had heard that lifting weights would decrease my risk of injury and increase my speed, but I had no idea what I was doing in the weight room. No rhyme or reason; no plan. Basically I dreaded my 'strength training' days. I had the same mindset as I did in college: weight lifting=big, bulky muscles.

Today I change my mindset. Today I know what strength training can do for my body and for my endurance running. Today I pledge to follow the New Rules of Lifting for Woman and to "lift like a man, but look like a goddess." I pledge to stick to this program like I would to training for marathon.

The NROLFW provides you a day-by-day, move-by-move exercise program which makes it simple and easy to follow. The workouts are detailed and the days are scheduled, which is what drew me to the program in the first place. The plan is broken into 8 stages and each stage contains 2 workouts which alternate 3 times a week. Sounds like a lot of numbers, and it was a little confusing at first, but the author Lou Schuler goes into great detail and explains it efficiently.

The only thing I am concerned about is incorporating the NROLFW schedule into my half-marathon training program, which I plan to start by mid-July. I hope to set a solid foundation with the NROLFW program these next few weeks and then ease it into my marathon schedule, with the goal of not over training.

In attempt to keeping me motivated and honest, I am going to get real with you guys. Yep thats right: awful pictures, embarrassing numbers-the works. I know I will regret posting these photos for all of the inter-webs to see, but hopefully it will keep me accountable and help me push myself to change.

As of 6.23.11

BMI: 21.5
(On the outside I'm smiling, but on the inside my crying)
Beginning measurements:
Chest- 33in
Right Bicep- 11.75in
Left Bicep-11.75
Waist- 30.50in
Hip- 35in
Right Thigh- 22.75in
Left Thigh- 22.50in

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