Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sunday Breeze

Fall is here; I can feel it!

All the windows in the house are open: number 16 of my fall favorites.

Also enjoying numbers 7, 8, and 15.

Josh and I are attempting to clean out the fridge from the week's left overs...yum yum in my tum tum. AND we had an impromptu visit from long lost friend Kara.

Love seeing good friends!!

Hope your Sunday was as swell as mine!


  1. absolutely awwes! we admire your marriage - have a terrific one!

    Cheers, B & Liv
    B L I V B O O K: darling&diva ♥

  2. Aww, I recognize that chair/ottoman set from your Cloverly house. And I'm still awed by how gorgeous your wedding pictures are.
