Monday, August 30, 2010
A Slow Go
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
My Running Story: The Beginning
Well, I'm doing it again...I said I wouldn't, but I am.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Who's Keeping Count?
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Perfect Ending
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Born in the Wrong Era
Before you read this post, let’s set a few things straight: I have the absolute perfect job and I am blessed beyond measure. I work in the perfect setting, I have amazing co-workers, and I truly love making a difference in my patient’s lives. I could not ask for more.
Since becoming married, I have enjoyed creating a little home for Josh and I. Because we are far away from our family and friends, it has been important for me to make this new place not just a pretty house, but also our home- a comfortable place where many ‘firsts’ for our marriage happen. These next few years will create the stories that start with “Remember that time when…”
For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be the stereotypical housewife and stay-at-home mom. My dreams of becoming a veterinarian, then teacher, then speech pathologist were always paired with the exception “but when I have kids….”. Did I glamorize this homemaker role? Definitely. Do I still dream of it? Absolutely.
This ever-present desire makes me contemplate a few things.
1. Was I meant to be born in the era of Mad Men (aka. The 1960s)?
I mean, look at that style! Classic!
2. Am I being tricked into believing this is ‘Who I’m Suppose To Be’ to have the seemingly perfect family? If I want my husband to feel proud of me, and my kids not to turn out like whack-jobs, I need to be some kind of Mom/Wife/Chef/Seamstress/Volunteer/PTA-going/Church-Attending Super Woman? Is this some kind of culture-staged prank that I have blindly accepted?
3. Or was I designed to fulfill this role? I was purposefully made to be a mother, a nurturer, and a caretaker of our home- to provide for my family in a very specific and meaningful way. This long-standing desire isn’t some crazy notion, but a true calling.
Well, all that being said, I currently love where we are in life. I love using all this knowledge that I have worked hard to obtain and I love the moolah that comes with it. Being a sugar-momma to my student-husband sure has its perks. Additionally, we are nowhere close to starting to have kids. So I have plenty of time to debate the origin of this longing.
But until then, I will live vicariously through Betty Drapper (except with a faithful husband) and dream of the day when I can wake up with my kids, bake all day, and have dinner on the table when my husband comes home. (Trust me, I know life will never be that simple)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Weekend Recap
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
A new me?
Sunday, August 1, 2010
When life gives you cucumbers...
Last weekend I took on the little adventure of canning, which was very appropriate because it happened to be National Canning Week! I stumbled onto this website and tried to do as much research as possible…I read blogs, found forums, and watched tutorials. If it's not obvious by now, I was VERY nervous about this uncharted-cooking territory.
Canning…How nerve racking! How does it even work?! Where do I get all the supplies?! Is it even going to be worth it?! These were all the fear-based questions I had as I got out my ‘Canning Kit’ and cracked open my instruction booklet. Luckily, the recipe I used was for small amounts, it was simple, and made me feed confident in my canning potential.
I decided to make pickles as my first experiment, mainly because I had accidentally bought cucumbers instead of zucchini at the farmers market and I HATE cucumbers… When life gives you cucumbers, make pickles!
I started by slicing 6 cups of cucumbers and 2 onions, with some pickling salt poured to the specific amount of 1/3 cups.
The recipe called for a glass bowl and I was nervous to steer from the instructions; my trifle dish was the biggest bowl I could find.
After these steps I was too preoccupied (and nervous) to pick up a camera to document my progress. Quick Recap: I heated vinegar, sugar, and other spices to the perfect temperature, then mixed in the cucumbers and waited anxiously until the concoction was done. Then I placed the mixture in the cans exactly ½ inch from the rim then dunked the jars in the boiling water for the allotted time to finish the preserving process.