Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Wherever the River Runs: Review and Giveaway

It is an unusually cold and rainy September day, as I stand at the sink washing dishes. I turn the facet from cold to hot with a turn of the wrist, easily pouring warm water over my hands, sponge, and dirty pots. I look outside the window, seeing kids pedal their bikes past my fence sending my dogs into a barking hysteria.

I see a neighbor drive by, pull into their drive, and close their garage door before they even turn off their car. I wonder where they came from. I wonder if they had a difficult day. Then God nudges my heart.

Do I know my neighbor's needs? If I answer truthfully, no. I can't even tell you their names. I justify my disinterest by reminding myself we don't live here permanently. I brush off the desire convincing myself how awkward meeting strangers is. But a voice deep within speaks confidently. Nudges gently. Tells me to go.

God has told me to love. To open my heart, home, and life. Not under the conditions of convenience or recognition. Not so I can stamp another box in my passport as I visit dark countries. Not so I can check off my good-doer list.

But so that I can love. Like He loves me. So that I can share life, hope, mercy, grace, and forgiveness. 

I blame Kelly Minter. I blame her beautiful words, her witty humor, and her obedience to travel to the depths of the Amazon, and to then write a book about it. I can't un-read, what I have read. I can't un-know what God has revealed to me.

Wherever the River Runs is Kelly's story of how God lead her to the Amazon, to tribes of forgotten people, and opened her eye's to God's heart. It is a story of seeking. And finding.
"I wasn't sure in what ways my life would change, but my 'normal' life - my American one with the catalogs and dreams, the bills and closet full of clothes - could no longer remain the same... I'd soon realize I wouldn't have to reside in the Amazon to live amid a river of people whose burdens needed carrying. I needed only to look around me."
You guys, I can't recommend this book enough. Kelly is such a beautiful and amazing writer, and her heart is even better. Her words so capture this remote and forgotten land that you feel you are right beside her, swinging on a hammock, looking at the stars, and dreaming God size dreams.

And luckily, I have 1 book to giveaway courtesy of Family Christian (US only).

You can enter to win by:
*Commenting on this post, telling me how much you really want to win. 

*Share this giveaway on Facebook and/or retweet on Twitter.

*For additional entries you may follow Family Christian on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, or Tumblr. Leave a comment on this post for each link you follow. 

A random comment will be selected Wednesday, October 1 at 8:00pm. I will contact you via email.

You guys. Seriously. Get this book. Like, now.

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Family Christian. I wasn't compensated in anyway, except for receiving Minter's book to review. All opinions are my own, of course. 

Giveaway closed.

The winner is: Dede
Congrats! Please contact me with your information. 


  1. Ok, totally wrote out my comment and pressed published but nothing happened! I'll try again.

    This book sounds like exactly the encouragement I need right now. I have had Luke 11:34 on my heart a lot lately: "Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are unhealthy, your body also is full of darkness." -- I have been needing more light for my lamp. I haven't been letting enough good Jesus things in and there fore have more of a dim lit lamp. This book would sooo be a good stepping stone for retraining myself to healthy eyes and therefore a healthy body full of light. I want this book!! :)

  2. I followed the Facebook and Pinterest links. :)

  3. I share my books with my grandmother. Just this morning, she emailed me to say how much she enjoys getting a box of books from me. I'd love to win so I can give her this book, too! Thanks for the giveaway!

    I follow Family Christian on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. :)

  4. The description you gave sounds EXACTLY how I'm feeling! Can't wait to read it!

  5. Good books are great for passing along!!! This def sounds like one of those! :)

  6. This book sounds like it is talking about some thing that have been on my heart lately. So yeah, it is one I really ought to read! Winning would make that easier!

  7. I'm not entering the competition but wanted to thank you for the book recommendation! I will put it on my to-read list :)
