Again, I have to give credit to Jessi because she gave us these beautiful flowers, which ignited the spark to spruce up our front lawn.
When I say our front lawn needed sprucing, I mean it. Just exactly that. It needed sprucing. It wasn't ugly or even that bad, but just didn't have any color. Our rent house was 'pre-landscaped' and the landlords continue to provide free upkeep (thank goodness!), including mowing and all. But, as with all cheaply landscaped yards, there was nothing special about it
Blah. Boring! I had to do a little begging because it was so late on a Sunday afternoon, but my hubby and I make an impromptu trip to Lowes to give our flower bed a new makeover! We don't know much about gardening but I knew we needed the basics: gloves, hand shovel, water hose, soil, oh, and the flowers.
I can't express to you how excited I was to start growing some things. Before this, I only had one fern and one leafy plant with a white flower (see how knowledgeable I am?) But now I get to love on little things like this
Isn't she a beaut? I will name her Susie. There are a few more in our garden, but I didn't have time to take pictures of them. Plus, you know what flowers look like.
Anyways, this is an intensive action shot of digging a hole. Don't get confused by the hairy arms and massive hands, this was Mr. Clark getting in on the action.
What I didn't know, was that my body was allergic to yard work. Half way through I began to break out in little red dots all over my arms. This was plenty of an excuse to quit right then and allow Josh to finish the job. I want it to be documented that this is proof that I no longer have to work in our yard....Josh, reading this automatically makes you accept this statement; it is binding.
Needless to say, Josh did a great job and I was more than obliged to sip on some water and tell him exactly were to dig each hole. Here is our finished project.
God must have smiled on a job well done because a great rainstorm came that night to water our freshly planted flowers.
I'm not gonna lie, doing little weekend projects around the house with my husband is quite nice. I love experiencing life with Josh and doing all these 'firsts' together. Yes, I didn't enjoy my arms being itchy and red (the picture didn't do the rash justice), but there were tons of laughs and memories were made.
Now, lets hope I we can keep everything alive! I'll keep you posted....