Sunday, December 5, 2010

Pain is Temporary

But Pride Is Forever!

I loved the St. Jude Half Marathon! It was such an amazing experience and incredibly emotional. Watching these children cheer you on and hearing their parents yell out 'thank you' kept bringing tears to my eyes during the entire race. I am so honored to have given a small contribution to the St. Jude cause.

If you ever feel the desire to run a race, I would hands-down encourage you to consider the Memphis St. Jude race!

Disclaimer- This race re-cap will be much shorter than the last:

I crossed the finish line, and that was the most important thing. My IT-Band flared up much sooner than I expected, around Mile 3, and I was nervous and uncertain if I would be able to keep running much longer. However, each mile I dug deep and pushed through. But when I reached Mile 11 I knew my body was screaming at me to stop. I only had two more miles and wanted to keep going, but I knew I had to listen to my body. I encouraged Jessi to go on without me while I sat and stretched. After a few minutes I got up and began a run/walk method, finishing at 2:29.

Now here are the pictures to prove it!

(We were totally short on time so we have no before-pictures. Boo!)

Not sure what Mile this is, maybe somewhere around 3? Had to do a wardrobe change.

Quick picture. Jessi looks way too good here.

Jessi booking it. I think she is say "Alex is behind me!"

Here I come limping

No pain no gain!

Our racing bling!

Our wonderful husbands who carry around our stuff and cheer us on at the finish line.

Now, I get to rest these tired legs. I am excited to put running as a lesser priority and focus on other avenues of exercise!

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